Friday, November 25, 2011

The Good Carb VS The Bad Carb

What is a good carb and if there are "good" carbs, then what are "bad carbs?

Depending on what diet plan you decide to try the definition of the two can vary and really confuse you on which one is which.

A carbohydrate is a type of calorie that contains energy, which is why you'll feel more energetic when eating foods which are rich in carbohydrates.  For example, if you eat a bag of candy or a piece of cake then you'll feel very energetic afterwards, because these are foods which are rich in excess carbs.  Although prepare for the sugar crash that follows because the energy mostly comes from the high content of sugar.

Not all carbs are fattening and since there are different types of carbs -- there are "good carbs" and there are "bad carbs" too.

Types Of bad Carbs

Sugar is a type of bad carb, and most people think they know how to avoid sugar.  But the truth is that sugar has different forms which are very hard to spot in foods. 

Complex carbs like white flour, white rice, and white bread contain a lot of sugar that causes your blood sugar to rise and then your body is forced in a way to mass produce the hormone called insulin and when this happens your body will store excess fat.

Types Of Good Carbs

Whole grains are a great source of good carbs, like whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and wheatberries, they will give you the necessary energy your body needs while keeping your insulin levels at a healthy range thus no threat of excess fat storage.

Fruits that contain a natural source of sugar are okay, although watch the amount of fruit you consume a day for this reason.  If you can't shake that sugar fix then grab an ounce of dark chocolate this will send a message to your brain that the body got it's way.  

The more you can switch out the bad carbs with the good carbs the easier it will be to boost your metabolism and burn off unwanted fat faster.

How To Burn Fat Fast

1 comment:

  1. The fat burn link is great for all of us who may have eaten a little more than we wanted on Thanksgiving and those who do it all thru December, like me.
